Hearing protection for concerts, parties and festivals

Availability: In Stock
CHF 29.95
CHF 40.00
CHF 29.95
The specially formed lamella design adapts to every ear and ensures a high level of comfort. The pull tab at the end helps to easily remove the hearing protection again. Inside is the acoustic filter: optimized for even damping and sound fidelity, sound quality and the full spectrum of music and voices are retained. Depending on the filter, the frequency bands are reduced to different degrees.
Filter: 20dB
Subtotal: CHF 29.95


  • Switzerland (A Mail) 2.60 Fr.
  • EU 6.00 Fr.

* Will be charged at checkout

Audiofeel Gehörschutz Zipperbag und Alu Gehäuse für Konzerte und Festivals

Hearing protection for concerts, parties and festivals

CHF 40.00 CHF 29.95

Hearing protection for concerts, parties and festivals

CHF 40.00 CHF 29.95
Filter: 20dB

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Haben Sie ein Bestandteil verloren?

Um unser Gehörschutz vor Staub und anderen Partikel zu schützen, kann bei Verlust der Zipper Bag und das Alugehäuse auch separat erworben werden.